What is the incidence of infertility in females with Hodgkin lymphoma? Is this a factor in males too?

FAQ published on April 22, 2014
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Massimo Federico, MD
Director, Medical Oncology Unit
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
President, Italian Lymphoma Foundation
Modena, Italy
What is the incidence of infertility in females with Hodgkin lymphoma? Is this a factor in males too?
In the past when the standard of treatment was the MOPP regimen, infertility was the rule. With the advent of ABVD, infertility became a less-extended problem because with ABVD, the majority of females maintain their fertility. With the advent of BEACOPP escalated, the problem is now emerging once more because with BEACOPP there is higher risk of infertility, but although patients needed to be treated with a more toxic regimen like BEACOPP, now it is possible to preserve the semen for males and also the ovarian tissue for young women and maintain the opportunity to have a full pregnancy after the end of treatment.
Last modified: April 22, 2014
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